Sunday 6 May 2012

Chapter 49

The Ladon Legacy – Chapter 49

So they made it home safe and sound from the magic realm although you may notice a few changes as we go along as I had to re-install my game and lost a lot of CC.  
Finally my legacy mojo has returned and hope to get chapter 50 out soon, which will include the heir poll!!

Dorian: Ok, I swear I am never touching your stuff again Oscar!
The first thing Dorian did once he returned home was invite Megan over.
Dorian: Megan, you are so beautiful, I’ve missed you so much!
Megan: Missed me?  You soppy thing!
Holly: Mum!  Were back!  Were you dreadfully worried?
Sophia: Worried dear? You are a funny one; you have only been downstairs a few hours!
Holly: A few hours? I need to speak to Oscar!
Oscar however was out collecting rocks and insects for his potions.  His visit to the magic realm inspired him to work hard to achieve high levels in magic.
He rushed around town trying to focus on what it was that he needed for his potion.  But his mind was wandering and just one thing kept crossing his mind.  Lilly.  He hadn’t forgotten, but had she?  He was too scared to call her and so was waiting for school on Monday to find out.
Oscar was not the only one..
Peanut: So there was a whole war? Weren’t you scared?
Simon: Yeah, I just wanted to come home.  But there was Violet, I miss her Peanut.
Peanut: You still have me Simon!
Simon: Yes, I still have you.
Things were not going well for Oscar as the insects began to fight back!
Oscar was just heading home when he came across a beautiful falcon.
Oscar: I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George!

Oscar also managed to find a Catalina Macaw and a Chinchilla!

Peanut: Hey I heard that the adults have won a free vacation again.
Simon: Really? Cool!
Peanut: Holly is throwing a party!
Simon: Awesome!
Holly: Hey Lilly, so you will come yeah?  What about Violet?
Simon: OMG! Violet is coming!!  I need to get ready!
Holly’s party was going well; people were having a great time.
Simon: Is she here yet? 
Peanut: Yep she just arrived!
Simon: Oh crikey! How do I look? How’s my breath?  What shall I say?
Peanut: You look great!  Why not ask her to sing a little karaoke, something romantic.  She’ll like that.
Simon: Great idea!
Oscar: Lilly is here!  She must remember!

Puzzle: But you must finish the book for school.

Oscar: I can finish it later, what if she leaves?

Puzzle: Best you read quicker then.

Oscar: Are you okay Puzzle, you seem different?

Lilly: Can you see them?
Violet: Oh I see Simon.  He’s calling me over!  He remembers!!
Lilly: But no Oscar?
Violet: Oh, I’m sorry.  Shall I wait with you?
Lilly: No, you go have fun.  I’m sure he’ll turn up in a bit.
Holly: Hey handsome, how are you enjoying the party?
Kyle: It’s all the better now I’ve found you.
Holly: Giggle!
Lilly: He’s not coming!  He forgot me!
Simon: Ok, something romantic…. Ah ha!
Simon: And IIIIIIIIIIIIII will always..
Violet: Love yoooouuuuuu!
Oscar: Hey.
Lilly: Do you realise how long I have been waiting!  I thought you had forgotten me!  How could you!
Oscar: Now how could I forget you silly?
However as usually happens, the touching reunions were rudely interrupted by the local police.
Simon: She’s gone!
Holly: Don’t get upset Kyle, we will see each other tomorrow!
Kyle: I’m not, I just really need to pee and my taxi hasn’t turned up.
Holly: Oh.  Did you want to come back in?
Kyle: Nope, can’t move!
Holly: Well maybe if... oh you did not just do that on my path!
Alexander: Another party?  And was that your boyfriend urinating in our garden?
Holly: Ah, yes.  Sorry dad.
Alexander: Well you best get yourself out there and clean it up young lady!
Holly: Yes dad.
With the teens back at school, the adults enjoyed the peace and quiet.  Sophia spent some quality time with Misfit.
While Jezabelle chewed on Alexander’s hair.
Bubbles: This isn’t what I had in mind when he said walkies.
I finally settled on a look for Holly.  I think it suits her J
Sophia: Well what happened to you little birdie?  Where have all your pretty colours gone?
It’s a Falcon Sophia, it’s supposed to look like that.
Sophia: I don’t think it should, I’ll just pop a little food colouring in its seed, see if that brightens him up!
Oh cripes!  I think Sophia may have dropped a couple of marbles!
Simon had taken quite a liking to the Chinchilla and named him Squeaker.
Holly: Don’t you worry Lori, I’ll make sure mum doesn’t come anywhere near your food!
Hello?  Sophia? Anyone home?
Alexander was working on keeping fit.
Holly wasn’t letting Lori out of her sight with Sophia acting one sandwich short of a picnic.
Simon had taken up martial arts. 
Alexander: Does anyone else think it is creepy how this woman stays eternally young?
Yes.  Yes I do.
Dorian joined the Music career like his grandfather Joseph and had a Lifetime Wish to become a Rock Star.
Puzzle: Oscar?  Where are you?  You are supposed to be working on your potions!
Oscar: Sorry Puzzle but George died; I was just sorting him out.  I don’t know what happened, he seemed so healthy.
I think I might have an idea.
Puzzle: Excuses, excuses!  I’ll never be real if you don’t discover the formula for that potion!
Oscar: I’m sorry Puzzle, I’ll find it.  I promise.
Simon: Look Peanut!  I am a ninja!
Peanut: Yeah.
Simon: Peanut?
Peanut: Shhh, Dean just found out Sam’s back from hell!
Holly: Dad said I would be able to see the stars if I looked through this thing.  All I see is clouds.  It must be broken.
Hmm, takes after her mother.
Dorian hadn’t seen Megan for all of a day so asked her out on a date.
Dorian: You did something with your hair?  I Like it!
Holly was at home working on her logic skills in a way she understood a little better than the telescope until…
Holly: I’m not getting soot all over my shower.  I’ll use Simon’s.
Megan: Oh wow! The Bistro!  This place is epic!
Holly: What the…
Holly: OSCAR!!!!!!
It seemed old age was taking its toll on Alexander too.
Alexander: Now what did I get up for again?
Max: Hello!  Empty bowl down here!
Alexander: What’s up Max?  You want to go outside?
Max: Really!?  There is an empty bowl by your foot! You are losing it buster!
Holly didn’t have time to be mad at Oscar for his little hair dye prank for long as it was time for her birthday.
Oscar: She put something in the cake didn’t she?
Holly: What’s the matter Oscar?  Nervous?
Holly gained the Friendly trait and her lifetime wish is Pervasive Private Eye.  She has aged up beautifully I must say J
Oscar: It was meant for Simon, honest!  Look how about I brew you something nice?
Holly: I think I’ll pass thanks.
Oscar: Hey, your loss!
Puzzle: And what do you think you are doing?
Oscar: Sorry Puzzle.
Puzzle:  See this?  This needs to be fixed!  I will not spend my days being a crutch for obnoxious children you hear me!
Oscar: Yes Puzzle.
Puzzle: You will discover that potion or I will stalk you forever and make your life a living nightmare!  You understand me?
Oscar: Yes Puzzle.
Austin was out and about that night.
Austin:  Oh really.  Fainting?  What is with that boy?
Oscar worked for hours until he blew himself up.
Puzzle: I know I work you hard but you understand it is for the best.  Go have a shower and take some time off.
Oscar: Thank you Puzzle!
Oscar got himself cleaned up and spent some time learning to play the drums.
It was time for Holly to graduate.
Alexander: 2 down 2 to go!
Sophia: It seems to be taking forever!
Just as Holly was graduating, someone else was becoming a young adult.
Kyle: Oh yeah!  I’m hot!
Holly graduated with high honours and was voted most likely to burn down the house.  Hmmm.
Kyle came to offer his congratulations.  Holly was very impressed with his new adult self.
That evening a strange vamp decided to snuff it on the Ladon’s porch.
Bubbles: Well that’s just rude!
Mr Death decided to stick around and play with Bubbles.
Mr Death: What’s his problem?
Bubbles: He does that a lot.
Puzzle:  You give them an inch, they take a mile.  Oscar?
Oscar: Just nipped to the bathroom Puzzle.
Puzzle: Good lad.
Holly had got a job in the Investigator career. 
She bumped into her Aunt Mariam on her first job.

It had been a while since Sophia had ridden Misfit and she wasn’t sure she was doing it quite right.
Holly’s first job involved checking out her Great Grandmother Ebony’s mail and dustbin.
Her client seemed quite shocked by the results.
Mariam: OMG! You killed him!
Violet had come home with Oscar after school.  Her homework was causing her a few problems.
Violet: Seriously.  When am I ever going to use trigonometry?   It just makes no sense.
Violet: Arghhh! I hate homework. I hate school.  I hate everything!!!!
Puzzle: Have you done your homework?
Oscar: Yes Puzzle
Puzzle: Have you eaten?
Oscar:  Yes I had a lovely….
Puzzle: Then back to work!!
Violet: RAAGGGGEEE!!!!!!!
Simon: Whoa there cutie pie!  What’s with the anger issues?
Violet: Did you just call me cutie pie?
Simon: Yes.  Got you flowers too!
Simon: Better?
Violet: Much.
Holly was still keeping a close eye on Lori after the death of George.
Her next investigation required her to interview Mork Ladon who was visiting the old haunted house.
Holly: I am NOT going in there!
Oscar was out on his new beast looking for more potion ingredients.
Simon: Oh no.  It looks like mum has been looking after the macaw.
Alexander:  Sophia dear. I think I’ll cook the dinner tonight.


  1. Yay! Great come back after having a couple of months off! (By the way I might not be able to play the sims 3 for awhile my self due to my graphics card overheating and shutting my game down while playing)

    1. Hey Ivy Thanks :) x Sorry to hear about your comp :( Hope you get a better one soon you you can get simming again :)

  2. Hi sorry I not been in touch for a while but I just caught up with the Ladons and they are all looking lovely !! xx


    1. Hey JoJo :D Great to hear from you!!! Are you still writing?

    2. Yeh I'm still going :D Not as well as I used to though... I've had a little writters block recently but I can't complain because you just did your 50th chapter!! CONGRATS!!
