Saturday 19 November 2011

Chapter 31

The Ladon Legacy – Chapter 31
Benjamin: Woo!! I’m heir!!!
Urm, no you’re not.  You only got 3 votes.
Benjamin: Out of how many?
Urm, 45.
Benjamin: Oh, so who won then?
Joseph: Well, I would like to start off by thanking my family, Jennie, the narrator…
Aww shucks :)
Benjamin: Woo!  Joseph won!!
Why are you so excited?  You lost – big time!
Benjamin: First male heir and no responsibilities!!!!
Joseph: Wait.  What responsibilities?
Urm, later…
Ella: So how many votes did I get?
Urm, I forget….
Mia: Well there goes my world domination plan right out the window!
Pat was just sad that Ben didn’t win :(
Pat: I’ll make Ben happy.
I don’t think that’s going to be a problem Pat!

Tanya: Peace at last!  All the children growing up and leaving home.

Nicole: You still have me Mummy!  Look what I found in my nose!!

Austin: And don’t forget Joseph, who will no doubt be starting his own family, here, with us.

Tanya: Really? Oh!  I think I might try this experimental drug…
So?  How did it go?  How do you feel?
Tanya: Groovy!
Oh dear!

As Nicole played happily in the nursery it was time for all the Ladon Children to age up.
Luckily no candle fires this time!  I was really nervous with 5 cakes on the go!!
So, first to age up was Mia (why they didn’t age up in order I will never know!!)
She gained the Genius Trait and had already rolled her Lifetime Wish as a Teen which is Emperor of Evil.
Next was Ella.
Ella gained the Party Animal trait and her lifetime wish is Pervasive Private Eye.
Then our new heir, Joseph.  Who has also gained the Faithful reputation from his relationship with Jennie.
Joseph gained the Perceptive Trait.  His lifetime wish is to become a hit Movie Composer (although I am tempted to change this to Rock Star – let me know what you think!)
Followed by Benjamin.
Ben gained the Loner trait and his lifetime wish is Fire-fighter Super Hero (aww just like his Grandad!)
And not forgetting Pat :)
I don’t think I have ever listed Pat’s traits so here they are – Flirty, Athletic, Bookworm, Good and Clumsy.  Her Lifetime Wish is to become a Superstar Athlete.
Mia and Ella began skill building ready for the world of work that lay ahead.
Mia: Yeah sis, you just take my knight. Mwahahaha!
Ella: What?
Pat started that long road to stardom with a cardio workout.

Ella: What happened!  How did you get check mate?

It was soon time for Graduation.  For some reason Ella and Pat did not graduate :(

Also graduating was Jennie Kayne who brought Rhett along :)
Mia Graduated with Honours and was voted Most Likely to become a Sports Star
Joseph graduated with honours.  Was class valedictorian and was voted most likely to become a rock star.
Benjamin graduated with honours and was voted most likely to never leave the house – lol!
Joseph was thrilled to see his son all toddlerd up!!
Tanya threw a party to celebrate the kids graduation.  Ebony played an emotional piano piece which moved them to tears.

It really moved Pat!
And it wasn’t long before…
Benjamin: Pat, you’ve been my best friend for as long as I can remember.  Please say you will spend the rest of our lives being my wife?

Pat: Oh Ben!  Of course!
Ben had got himself a job as a Fire Fighter and so started working on his athletic skill.
Benjamin: Wow!  This is fun!  I can believe I haven’t tried this before!
And no face plant!!  I’m Impressed!
And so before every wedding comes the Bachelorette Party!
Pat had the time of her life, the Nectar was flowing, over everyone!
Ebony seemed quite taken by the dancers!  Until…
Helena: Arrghh!! It hurts!!
Luckily there was a doctor on hand to help her out!
The party carried on into the early hours.
Until the nectar finally caught up with Pat!!
Joseph was composing a song for his brother and Pat.
Ben was, well, floating!!!
It was soon time for Ben’s Bachelor Party!
Benjamin:  Joseph?  Why are you dressed like Rod Stewart?
Joseph: Dad said it was fancy dress!
So Rod Stewart – oops, I mean Joseph!!  Made a toast to his little brother.
And then sprayed him with nectar!
Benjamin danced..
Spent a lot of time at the bar…
And then on it!!
Joseph:  Ben I think you should get down before…
Joseph: Never mind.  Lets get you home!
The next day, feeling a little worse for wear!  Benjamin got called to his first emergency.
And Ella and Mia moved out and got this little house together.
Mia: Mwahahah! This place is perfect for my evil lair!
Ella: ugh!  Why did I ever agree to share with you?
Austin settled Nicole down in her crib before heading into the garden for Benjamin and Pat’s wedding ceremony.



And look!  Ghost Kieran made his first appearance for the wedding!!  He’s such a romantic!!
They spent their wedding night in the Ladon house and then headed off for their honeymoon.
When they returned they moved into this lovely little cottage :)
With everyone moving out Joseph was finally able to do what he had been wanting to do since the birth of his son.  So he invited Jennie over.
And finally proposed!
He was so keen to get married that they exchanged rings straight away – really, they just did it.  There go my plans for a big wedding!!
The only person to witness their vows was Kieran, who had come out in the daytime just for the wedding – bless :)
Joseph finally had his family under one roof.
Oh, I can now tell you Rhett’s traits!!  They are absent-minded and brave.
Here they are, Jennie and Joseph with Rhett and his auntie Nicole :)
The newlyweds settled down to bed that night happy in the thought that a new generation of Ladons had begun.
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