Saturday 18 February 2012

Chapter 46

The Ladon Legacy – Chapter 46
So here is child Oscar! He gained the inappropriate trait.

Hayley: The cake it calls to me!  I mustn’t give in to the sugary goodness!

Hayley: I couldn’t help it.  It made me!
This young man was hovering around the party waiting to see Holly!  Please meet Kyle Holdin, hopefully Holly’s future boyfriend ;)
Holly: Mum, was the party ok?  Did I do it right?
Sophia: You did a great job darling, everyone had a wonderful time.
Oscar: Ok, so this is my room then is it?
Oscar: Awesome!
Holly: Mum, can I stay up and chat to Kyle on the laptop?
Sophia: Of course! He seems like such a lovely young man.
Holly: Thanks mum! You’re the best!
So Holly sat up for hours chatting with Kyle and they became best friends
Austin: Ohh what you got there son?
Joseph: Dunno Dad but look it glows!
Oscar: Hellooo! Trying to sleep here dead people!
Austin: Yes really Joseph you should know better!
Joseph: Ok dad! I was finished anyway.  Go on to bed Oscar.
Austin: heh heh heh! My glowy ball now!
Joseph was so angry he decided to possess the dog bed.
Sophia was out tending to the horses.  First Misfit.
Then Jezabelle
While the maid was giving Bubbles a good brush.
It had been a long time since Sophia had ridden Misfit and it was long past due.
Age hadn’t slowed Misfit down one bit!
Getting back into riding had spurred Sophia’s athletic side.  She decided to take up martial arts.
Sophia: Argghhh! The pain!
But she stuck with it and made white belt.
Things had become quite strained between Puzzle and Oscar.
And although Puzzle kept trying to keep the relationship with Oscar strong, Oscar was just bored with him.
Joseph and Jennie were out haunting together tonight.
Although they got in a fight about the glowy ball.
Unfortunately for Holly, this meant Joseph decided to sleep in her bed.
So instead she decided to see if Kyle was online to chat.
Alexander was still working on his charisma in those super-hot pants!
Puzzle was trying to win Oscar’s affection again
Puzzle: I don’t understand!  I’m here when you need me, I clean the house and do your chores which everyone thinks you did and yet you still say I’m boring!
Oscar: Yeah I appreciate all that Puzzle really I do.
Oscar: But I think I have just outgrown you.
Puzzle: We’ll see.  You’ll need me one day!
Sophia was worried about Oscar.  She had noticed he was becoming quite withdrawn.  She hoped that when Simon aged up he could become close to his brother.
Sophia had decided to take Misfit racing!
They entered a beginners race
And came first!
Sophia: I’m so proud of you Misfit. 
Holly was chatting to Kyle again.  One day these two will actually speak face to face!
And Oscar was trying to be a good friend to Puzzle.
Ok, I was so sick of having to constantly bath the dogs that I got the Pet Hydrothingie!
The pet just walks in, no sim help required
The machine does its work
And hey presto!  Clean pet! 
I love it!
Holly: Shall I call him?  What if he says no? Argghh!  Right I’ll call!
Holly (eventually) invited Kyle over.
Well technically she held a sleepover and invited him too, but it works!
She got nervous and went straight to the flowers!
But it was time for lights out and Dorian’s room became a sea of sleeping bags.
Holly was too excited to sleep and busied herself at the chemistry table.
Holly: If I could just figure out a love potion or something!
Somehow Simon had got into the basement and was toddling round all the sleeping teens
Dorian: What are you doing?
Holly: Just a stink potion, why?
Dorian: Oh.  Well you will need more sulphur.
Where did this maid come from?  She brushes dogs and tends to toddlers!  She must be a spy!
The dogs always creep me out when they eat.  It’s like they have no skeletal structure :/
Simon: Ha ha! Max eat funny! Silly puppy!
Oscar, despite his friendly trait chose to do his homework away from his siblings
Dorian: So how cool was that slumber party!
Holly: Yeah I know right!
Oscar: Yeah well would have been nice to be invited.
OMG! You live in the same house!  Talk to each other!!
Simon: I hope I never grow up, grown-ups are silly.
With this family, I totally agree with you Simon!
After giving Bubbles a much needed belly rub, Oscar spent some time with Puzzle
Who bored him so much he fell asleep! 
Oscar: Ahem.  Sorry Puzzle, just really tired.  Off to bed now!
But he wasn’t in bed for long!
Oscar: Granddad!
Joseph: Oh, sorry!
Joseph stopped playing with the glowy ball but had spied the drum kit
Oscar: granddad!
Jennie: Oh really Joseph!  Let the poor child sleep!
Joseph: You lot just don’t appreciate good music!
Oscar gave up and went to sleep in Dorian’s bed.
Jennie: Woah Bubbles!  It wasn’t me!
 With Oscar safely tucked up in Dorian’s bed, Joseph and Jennie took over his room.
Dorian: Why is he in my bed?
Ah, that would be your Grandparent’s fault.
Dorian: Typical!
Holly: Just a little manganese and..
Holly: Argh!
Dorian cooked breakfast
While Holly tended to Simon
Well, until she got a call from Kyle!
Holly: Sure!  I’ll meet you there!
Kyle: Wow! I can’t believe we have finally made it on a date!
Kyle: Sorry about the sleepover night.  I was just so tired and..
Holly: Flowers!
Kyle: Oh, thanks!
Holly: Sorry, I give flowers when I panic.
Lilly: Now those two are weird!
Holly: So, shall we go watch the movie?
Kyle: Yeah!
Kyle: Great movie huh?
Holly: yeah
Kyle: So. Do you want to…
Kyle: …!...
Holly: Sorry! I just.  Well.  Willyoubemyboyfiriend?
Kyle: Omgyes!
At last!
Kyle: Oh gee.  I have a girlfriend!  What if I can’t live up to her expectations?  What if she dumps me?
Holly: Ahh, I have a boyfriend! If I close my eyes I can pretend he is here with me now.
Dorian: Ok sis, that’s just weird!
Oscar: Yeah, what’s with you tonight Holly?
Simon: I don’t care, I have you Peanut. At least you’re normal.
  I really do worry about this family sometimes!
The next day all seemed well.  Holly made lunch.
Oscar played with the blocks.
Well until bedtime that is!
Holly: There is a dead relative in my bed!
However they did leave Oscar alone for once!
Another new gnome!
Holly arranged a date with Kyle
They seem to be hitting it off rather well!
Meanwhile, Dorian had also invited Megan out.
Cherry Rose had called to say she thought her kids would like to play with Alexander’s.
Oscar and Lilly just looked at each other.  They did not want to be part of their parents plan.
Sophia had been invited to a party and was playing guitar on the porch.
As much as Lilly and Oscar tried to go against their parents play date plans, they found that they became great friends.
It was to be a busy evening!  Simon aged up.
Dorian brought Megan home from their date.
As Holly did Kyle!
The newly aged Simon decided to sleep in the tree house for some peace.  Simon gained the Coward trait.
The party was quite the event for Sophia as she aged up!
And became an elder! 
I was not expecting this!  She must have skipped adult during glitchy pregnancy!
Also at the party, Rhett died.
RIP Rhett Ladon :(
Sophia returned home and in trying to cover the grief for her brother she began to clean.
Simon was enjoying the tree house and his new childhood
Even the homework that came with it!
Kyle had come home with Dorian after school but for some reason fell asleep in the hall.  Holly sat with him on the hall floor to do her homework.
Ready to be there when he awoke.
Aren’t they cute!
Dorian was missing Megan and decided to give her a call.
While Sophia read Simon to sleep. 
Yes typically there is a ghost in Simon’s bed so he had to share with Dorian!
Ok, I know not a cliff-hanger but I hope you enjoyed it!  Only a few chapters to go until the heir poll and Oscar and Simon will soon be aging up!  Now is the time to start thinking about who will be your next heir!

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