Monday 8 August 2011

Chapter 18

Ebony: Beau? What are you doing?
Beau Merrick: You want to know what being a vampire is like do you, well here you go!
Ebony: Wait! Stop!
Ebony: What just happened?
Barman: Hey, nothing to worry about, just have another drink
I think she may have had a few too many by that look!
Ebony finally staggered home
Ebony: I am Ninja! Whoops!
Ebony told Abel about the attack.
Abel: I warned you Ebony, play with fire and you get burned!
Ebony: The barman said its nothing, I’m sure I’ll be fine – just scared me a bit.
Abel: Listen Beau, come near my wife again and you will be sorry, capeesh!
Toni had taken up martial arts and was rising through the belts quickly
Lileth loved to play the guitar and had already reached level 6
Tanya had gotten herself a part time job in the acting field and spent her time practicing her facial expressions
Tanya: Okay, so can you guess what this one is?
Toni: Oh, urm, constipated?
Tanya: Humph! It’s thoughtful, you obviously have NO acting skills!
Abel had started training again, just in case he ran into Beau Merrick.
Ebony had started to feel a little out of sorts.
Ebony: It must be that mosquito bite.
Ebony: Dad! What are you doing!?
David: Just trying to scare some more grandchildren out of ya!
Suddenly there was a strange rumbling and the house began to shake.
Oooh never seen an earthquake in the sims before!
Abel rushed into town to help those affected by the earthquake.
As Abel worked his way through the building he noticed a familiar face under a pile of rubble
Abel: Freya! Try not to move, I’ll dig you out!
Abel moved into the kitchen to find Beau Merrick under the next pile of rubble.
Abel: First my wife and now her sister?  You’re evil and I should leave you here to rot.
Abel: I should.  But I wont become like you.
Abel freed Beau from the rubble.
Only for him to die of hunger on his way out of the elevator.
Abel: Karma always gets her man.
For his service to the community during the earthquake Abel received a Service award from the Mayor.
And signed a few autographs while he was there!
David had started to argue with everyone in the family
Even Elizabeth.  I just don’t know what has got into him lately!
Abel felt like he was spending all his free time fixing the computers in the house
Abel: Stupid Facebook!  Can’t get the kids off of it!
Elizabeth tried to persuade Lileth to make the most of her computer whiz trait and upgrade the computers
Lileth: Why did I get the stupid computer whiz trait!
Abel: Steven! We have a dishwasher!
Abel: Did you see what your brother did? Licking plates!  He has the manners of a fish!
Tanya: Yeah dad, but you eat carpet dirt.
A lot of things were happening in the Ladon household that night.  Just as Steven was about to have his birthday, death appeared.
And we say goodbye to David who has died aged 91.
Death: Ooh, nice house. Hang on, is that Elizabeth Ladon?
Yep! Death asked for her autograph!  A little inappropriate I thought!
Then Ebony completed her transformation
Like I said – Busy night!
And then Steven had his birthday.
So here is teen Steven who gained the insane trait.
Like I said – the randomise button hates me!
Elizabeth was distraught at the death of her husband and spent hours mourning at his graveside.
Lileth had composed Ode to Granddad and played it for the family.
Ebony meanwhile was feeling quite unwell and as one life ends so a new one begins.
Sorry it’s such a long Chapter but had a lot to fit in.  It all happens at once in Sim world doesn’t it!  I hope you enjoyed it :) 

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